
Thursday, April 28, 2011

almost forgot!

Oh, and I almost forgot! Our game will be coming out to the Xbox Marketplace at some point of time!

The Game. (cont.)

Continuing on to the game itself. The game will be a unique Action/Puzzle/Adventure game. The current story is that you are Silhouetta and you are given the task to bring this soul to the door you end up fighting lots of baddies along the way such as ninjas, pirates, dragons, evil wizards, through out this you find out who you really are supposed to be. and that is  yourself. Where this game looks the best though, is its game play. In this game (you might have noticed... we don't have an official name yet...) you have a few, quite unique powers.
1. Invert Mode: in this mode the game's colors is inverted and it allows you to go through pitch black areas for a limited amount of time.
2. Line Void Mode: This mode will invert the game's colors as well but will freeze time  for a limited amount of time and allow you to make
      I. Line Voids: this can be used on certain walls and will allow your character as well as other objects to pass through.
      II. Grab and move items: this will let you do as it says, Grab and move the time frozen items.
3. The "eye": this will flash at you when you are in the darkness and by a pit.
4. Flying: you can fly for a limited amount of time.

There are more ideas being passed around but will not be mentioned at this time.

We are planning on making be 7 worlds with multiple ways to complete them.

Currently we have
Rectangular Collision
concept pixel art for various objects
some music

Working on/ soon to do:
Triangle Collision
more music
finalizing the story
level creation software
level creation
Inversion mode/line void

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Game.

If you are reading this you might have heard about the game I am helping with making but might be curious about it so I am here to update you constantly on the progress of our game. In this post I will give you the basics. First, I made a nice little demo game called Silhouetta. This game was, at this point, pretty much just you flying through levels being followed by a soul. you can play it here. I semi recently meet up with a friend of mine and he said that they were making a game and wanted to know if I would help. Eventually it turned out to be that we decided to instead make my game. we were now one... sort of. I am keeping to the name Gale Productions, while they are sticking with LbK Studios. currently we consist of 4 people. one is the programmer, one is the main director, one is the main artist and one of the story/level developer, and  I am kinda the Story director / support artist / music man/ level designer (we also have a few people to help beta test it). I will give you the credits when we have them done. In my next post I will tell you our plans for the game and where we are now.